Are you searching for some cute llama names for your pet llama or some things you should know about llamas in general?
Keep reading cause in this article; we have listed over 300 llamas names you could get ideas from while naming your pet Llama.
If you don’t know much about this adorable creature, you would also get to know quite a few things about llamas.
Important Tips Before Acquiring A Pet Llama

Are you about acquiring a Llama for yourself, probably to keep you company or as a pet? These are few things you should know about this adorable creature.
- Llamas belong to a family known as camelid family, which means they are related to vicuñas and camels.
- Llamas can grow as tall as 6 feet tall. However, the average llama is between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 9 inches tall.
- Llamas do not like overload; when one puts a load that is a bit weighty on them, they refuse to move because of that.
- Llamas are easy to train and intelligent as well.
- Llamas are often used as livestock guards; they are well equipped when it comes to guarding livestock.
- Llamas spit, kick, or neck wrestle each other when agitated.
Cute Llama Names
Here is a list of some cute llama names to get ideas from.
- Ann
- Amy
- Angel
- Betty
- Best
- Bella
- Blossom
- Bliss
- Brenda
- Candy
- Cuddy
- Cutie
- Cupcake
- Daisy
- Dana
- Diane
- Diamond
- Eve
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Fuzzy
- Fendi
- Fond
- Flower
- Fling
- Gold
- Golden
- Goldie
- Girlie
- Grey
- Green
- Halloween
- Honey
- Indy
- Ian
- Innocent
- Jumpy
- Jimmy
- Jiggle
- Ken
- Kenny
- Kent
- Kendall
- Kendra
- Lana
- Lucy
- Lemon
- London
- Lilly
- Lillian
- Louis
- Master
- Mercy
- Mandy
- Moon
- Neo
- Neil
- Nina
- Ninja
- Olivia
- Olive
- Oma
- Pebble
- Pony
- Prince
- Queen
- Rex
- Ruth
- Ruby
- Richie
- Richard
- Richmond
- Sunny
- Sandra
- Santa
- Tom
- Tim
- Teddy
- Umba
- Vanilla
- Vee
- Wendy
- Winner
- Winny
- Xena
- Xenia
- Youri
- Zoe
- Zion
Cool Llama Names
Are you looking for some cool names for your pet llama? Check it out
- Cola
- Holt
- Major
- Robs
- Amber
- Albert
- Danger
- Jet
- Bouncer
- Fang
- Hawk
- Brute
- Let
- Axe
- Hester
- Diesel
- Dan
- Blake
- Blade
- Brady
- Hound
- Ghost
- Juicey
- Griffin
- Bear
- Avon
- Maniac
- Rifle
- Trooper
- Zipper
- Zoe
Good Llama Names

Below is a list of some good llama names.
- Evo
- Love
- Hinge
- Vanilla
- Peaches
- Arrow
- Lola
- Fudge
- Indigo
- Bertie
- Jazz
- Fringe
- Lola
- Droopy
- Jester
- Ginger
- King
- Denim
- Collie
- Gusto
- Hoops
- Bunker
- Clark
- Mickey
- Quinn
- Velma
- Polka
- Cutie
- Roo
- Mumps
- Wanda
- Polka
- Orson
- Porter
- Uma
- Nova
- Sadie
- River
- Nash
- Vester
- Ouchie
- Tastie
Funny Llama Names
Here is a list of some funny llama names you would like if you need something hilarious.
- Arillama Grande
- Johnllama Cena
- Llama Bean
- Kendrick Llama
- Llama Mama
- Barack O Llama
- Alex Llama
- George Llama
- Cristiano Llama
- Lionel Llama
- Drama Llama
- Llama Mia
- Dua Llama
- Angelina Llama
- Farmer Llama
- Llamanade
- Llamabogini
Boy Llama Names
Below is a list of boy llama names to pick from for your pet llama.
- Andrew
- Andre
- Barkley
- Ben
- Ethan
- Max
- Kyle
- Hugo
- Benson
- Drew
- Liam
- Andy
- Bruce
- Freddie
- Frederick
- Justin
- Carl
- Evan
- Lance
- James
- John
- Felix
- Chris
- Christian
- Christopher
- Harvey
- Graham
- Charlie
- Daniel
- Gary
- Alex
- Alexander
- Harry
- Zeal
Girl Llama Names
Here is a list of girl llama names for your pet llama.
- Nina
- Violet
- Katy
- Sally
- Janet
- Opal
- Tammy
- Louise
- Rebecca
- Queen
- Wendy
- Joanna
- Penelope
- Lana
- Susie
- Maggie
- Winnie
- Mildred
- Rhian
- Nellie
- Trina
- Patty
- Kendall
- Jenny
- Mercy
- Isla
- Alison
- Denise
- Catherine
- Hannah
- Amber
- Effy
- Cleo
- Felicia
- Felicity
- Beatrice
- Gemma
- Joy
- Dana
- Farrah
- Diana
- Hetty
- Eloise
- Betty
- Imogen
- Gertrude
- Vanilla
Pet Llama Names
The names below can best suit your pet llama.
- Honey
- Cutie
- Jenny
- Queen
- Love
- Best
- Star
- Bailey
- Happy
- Gift
- Blessing
- Christmas
- Vanilla
Best Llama Names
Here is a list of best llama names for your pet llama.
- Mojo
- Fuzzy
- Daisy
- Lana
- Ponyo
- Pony
- Boots
- Vanilla
- Peaches
- Lumps
- Kuzco
Cartoon Llama Names
Some famous cartoons and cartoons characters inspired the names below. Check it out.
- Speedo
- Scooby
- Speedy
- Goofy
- Snoopy
- Toby
- Tom
- Jerry
- Clifford
- Despicable
- Dash
- Woody
- Winnie
- Rex
- Betty Poop
- Chip ‘n’ Dale
- Daffy
- Kermit
- Donald
- Bender
- Pikachu
Webkinz Llama Names
Here is a list of some Webkinz llama names.
- Mojo
- Fuzzy
- Daisy
- Lana
- Ponyo
- Pony
- Boots
- Vanilla
- Peaches
- Lump
- Alpaco
- Mocha
- Rocky
- Rags
- Fluffy
- Wooly
- Snowy
- Snoopy
- Surefoot
- Fuzzy
- Shags
- Frappucino
- Marshmallow
- Lacy
- Lima
- Hoofy
- Coco
- Percy
- Brownie
- Bubbly
- Pat
- Zion
Llamas are adorable, very easy to train as well. They can act as guards for your livestock as well. Why not get one today if you haven’t already, and when you do, the name ideas above can be your best guide towards giving them the best name suitable.
Related Questions
What do you name a baby llama?
Crias. A cria (from Spanish for “baby”) is the name for a baby llama, alpaca, vicuña, or guanaco. Source
What are cute llama names?
I listed over 80 cute name ideas you could pick from for your pet Llama above.
What is a female llama called?
Intact male llamas and alpacas are called studs (machos in Spanish), whereas castrated males are referred to as geldings. Females are called females (hembras in Spanish). The neonates and young up to 6 months of age are called crias, whereas juveniles are called tuis in the local Quechua language. Source