Are you searching for a name for your pet Koala? Bravo! You stumbled on the right page because I have listed over 300 funny, cute, good, and popular koala names.
Koalas have a place with a class of well-evolved creatures, warm-blooded, bushy vertebrates; they give live birth and feed their infants with milk delivered by the skin organs of the females.
They are marsupials local to Australia. Koalas look similar to bears; so adorable and cuddly. In any case, they are called Koala bears, yet they are not bears.
Please keep reading to see some of the numerous name suggestions listed below, so you won’t find it challenging to name that cute pet of yours.
Funny Koala

Here is a list of some funny koala names.
- Koalumbus
- Hairy
- Blu
- Squiggles
- Muffin
- Zippy
- Pompey
- Key
- Koddles
- Fluffy
- Bootycheekas
- Koleepy
- Wiggles
- Poochie
- Kolimber
- Pooch
- Zeus
- Hugging bear
- Roundeyes
- Jojo
- Poncho
- Pongo
- Koalalumpo
Cute Koala Names
Koalas are adorable, and below are some cute name suggestions.
- Aaron
- Autumn
- Alvin
- Bunny
- Bella
- Baby
- Blossom
- Best
- Buddy
- Barkley
- Barker
- Cutie pie
- Calvin
- Carl
- Candy
- Cuddle
- Clara
- Caramel
- Cindy
- Daisy
- Dave
- Davies
- David
- Desmond
- Evelyn
- Ella
- Eve
- Ernest
- Eloise
- Fred
- Frederick
- Fendi
- Felix
- Farrah
- Gail
- Gary
- Gilda
- Grumpy
- Hairy
- Harry
- Hera
- Hazel
- Honey
- Hillary
- Ivory
- Jerry
- John
- Judy
- Julius
- Julie
- Juliet
- James
- Jack
- Katie
- Kerry
- Kalvin
- Kelvin
- Kourtney
- Love
- Lana
- Lewis
- Lennon
- Mandy
- Maddison
- Mercy
- Merry
- Mendy
- Molly
- Mildred
- Miller
- Milian
- Millie
- Neo
- Nelly
- Nelson
- Nutmeg
- Nancy
- Natalie
- Nathan
- Ophelia
- Olivia
- Olive
- Omega
- Patty
- Patricia
- Patrick
- Pengi
- Penny
- Queen
- Rose
- Ricky
- Roseline
- Ray
- Raymond
- Rex
- Rey
- Richie
- Richard
- Richmond
- Sally
- Samantha
- Sandra
- Sammy
- Sugar
- Spice
- Stan
- Tom
- Teddy
- Terry
- Vanilla
- Winnie
- Winner
- Yolanda
- Zoe
- Zeus
Good Koala Names

Below is a comprehensive list of good koala names.
- Dodo
- Luke
- Mercedes
- Murphy
- Lefty
- Kassie
- Madonna
- Max
- Linus
- Nana
- Milan
- Kaly
- Lex
- Kaya
- Fred
- Barry
- Sally
- Maggie
- Edwin
- Felix
- Lana
- Ponyo
- Drake
- Harry
- Nelson
- Honey
- Carl
- Winnie
- Rex
- Betty
- Jenny
- Loveth
- Nancy
- Franklin
- Patricia
- Yolanda
- Zoe
- Clifford
- Dorathy
- Nelly
- Howard
- Rose
- Gilda
- Dan
- Tom
- Vegas
- Mercy
- Queen
- Ella
- Lizzy
- Wendy
- Candy
- Salmon
- Teddy
- Lincoln
- Kate
- Louis
- Xena
- Prince
- Jackson
- Lewis
- Ivory
- Jones
- Randy
- Wendall
- Evelyn
- Charlie
- Rozy
- Ken
- Zack
- Emery
- Onyx
- Terry
- Benjamin
- Avril
- Felicia
- Jennifer
- Gwen
- Johnny
- Silvia
- Diamond
- Goldie
- Fiona
- Sophia
- Mirah
- Olivia
- Perez
- Gloria
- Merry
- Stan
- Rooney
- Stones
- George
- William
Popular Koala Names
Here is a list of popular koala name ideas.
- Alfie
- Kris
- Mimi
- Joe
- Luna
- Sam
- Charlie
- Rozy
- Henry
- Skippy
- Phoebe
- Skye
- Millie
- Scooby
- Speedy
- Tilly
- Shelby
- Snoopy
- Toby
- Zeus
Best Koala Names
Here is a list of the best koala names.
- Mel
- Pearl
- Kyla
- Destiny
- Sydney
- Milo
- Stevie
- Carl
- Elsa
- Kathy
- Coola
- Lumpur
- Melbourne
- Matilda
- Kenny
- Hope
- Faith
- Koya
- Dream
- Noodle
- Brandy
- Godzilla
- Kimberly
- Lewis
- Bob
- Fate
- Pommie
- Wooly
- Kylie
- Lincoln
- Rony
- Kennedy
- Teddy
- Hemp
- Zoe
Baby Koala Names
Are you searching for names for baby koalas? Here are some name suggestions.
- Bella
- Princess
- Cupcake
- Love
- Lola
- Honey
- Sugar
- Teddy
- Terry
- Vanilla
- Winnie
- Rex
- Harry
- Nina
- Lizzy
- Prince
- Rose
- Gilda
- Rainbow
- Gwen
- Jenny
- Bryan
- Judy
- Phoebe
- Louis
- Neo
- Ophelia
- Olivia
- Ella
- Luna
- Nelly
- Queen
Longleat Koala Names

Here is a list of Longleat koala names.
- Charlie
- Rozy
- Carl
- Winnie
- Thumper
- Patty
- Bella
- Poppy
- Lizzy
- Rex
- Harry
- Luna
- Sam
- Minnie
- Cookie
- Dan
- Tom
- Jerry
- Mia
- Clifford
- Gizmo
- Athena
- Brandy
- Loki
- Sheba
- Paul
- Sally
- Maggie
- Ken
- Zack
Australian Koala Names
Here is a list of names of Australian origin that would be suitable for that adorable creature.
- Mel (Gotten from Melbourne City in Australia)
- Sydney (Gotten from Sydney in Australia)
- Brisbane (Gotten from Brisbane in Australia)
Famous Koala Names
Here is a list of famous koala names inspired by movies, stories, or TV shows.
- Bruce (Beyond the Stump)
- Blinky Bill (Blinky Bill stories)
- Lewis (Died from the Australia Bushfires)
- Leonard (The Penguins of Madagascar)
- Kwicky Koala (From the Kwicky Koala Show)
- Miranda (Koala Kid)
- Roobear (Adventures of the Little Koala)
- Nigel (The Wild)
- Krebbs (The Rescuers Down Under)
- Tolee (Ni Hao)
- Cubcake (Boner’s Ark)
- Katy (Beyond the Stump)
- Nom Nom (We Bare Bears)
- Johnny (Koala Kid)
- Charlotte (Koala Kid)
- Constance Koala (Taz-Mania)
- Thomas (Cuticle Detective Inaba)
- KoKo (KoKo Krunch mascot Asia)
- Aussie (Jungle Jinks)
- Julius (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger)
- Penelope (Penelope)
- Frank and Buster (The Koala Brothers)
Related Questions
What is the name of a famous koala?
There are a lot of famous names from movies and TV shows, names like Nigel (The Wild), Miranda (Koala Kid) you can check out other names above.
What’s a Koala Lifespan?
A Koala can live for 10 to 12 years in the wild. However, female can live for 18 years as they breed into their teens. Males have a shorter life span.
How long do koalas live in captivity?
Koalas can live for 12 to 15 years in captivity or a favorable habitat. However, it’s a different ball game in the wild because it’s more challenging, affecting how long they can live.
I hope you found one or two names you like from the above-mentioned name ideas for koalas. I am glad I could help with that and would love to know which name or names you chose in the comments box below.
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